Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Iraq retreat could 'embolden Iran' - Financial Times - MSNBC.com

Iraq retreat could 'embolden Iran' - Financial Times - MSNBC.com: "President George W. Bush warned on Tuesday that a US retreat from Iraq could embolden Iran to develop atomic weapons and trigger a nuclear arms race in the Middle East."

Yeah, right. One of the main incentives for any sane country in the region to acquire nuclear weapons is the US invasion and continued occupation of Iraq. No country in the region, at least not one that has a lot of oil and gas, is safe from the threat of trumped up accusations, attempts at "regime change" and eventual attacks from the US. That is the lesson of history in this part of the world. I almost wish that Iran did have nukes. If it did we would not be threatening to attack it. It would no more likely to attack other countries out of hand that Pakistan is. Israel is more likely to lob a nuke if the US doesn't do it first.

Why would anyone even listen to this utterly evil bozo of a president?


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